Three Spot


Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Document Day

July 18, 2005
1st day, magical rival
brings super program
into reach—no loss
of words for me.
Many wait. I hit
my stride. Somehow
patterns emerge

July 19, 2005
2nd day, marriage
of Isis and Osiris
the wind is heat
in a room
of cool function
(and other words
in the forum of
war songs
into the ditches
of immediate
the new poems

July 20, 2005
3rd day not organized
not sacred not home
quite but a house
or an instance
when you can be

doors opened to
sunlight or difference
and the day
brakes upon the
much is
speed, the rent
is patent for
light expressed
as swimming

July 21, 2005
4th day
trying all the
fall into categories

we count on
the slow mood
of coming music
and a light
in the parlour
when we return

4th day undergoes
definition, or tells
of something
ugly as a fish

meanwhile is empty

we wait
stunned by courses
the toddler is surprised
worrier comes
to a moment

fifth day
of chance
the spoils
of listening
or archaic
results in
the garden
of excellent

going on
with a
trim dedication
including a
poem as
wily on

work intent
this mystique
of timely
and power of
latticed with
and meaning

which day
will follow
the next?

6th day
presents novel
so much sun
you can go
or shadow as
pain or being
on time


your choices
are heaving things
patents and boats
as well
and the insects
out into the
time taken
(being taken)

so much
depends on
so much
but also
so much depends
on so little

how wild
can you seriously

8th day
days and days go
by, like alphabets
or swans
the air is
rich again
but loss
still extreme
those baroque sounds
of tinny strings
rises out of flutes
and keyboard granite
and the heat
can only be
avoided in
spinning dalliance

the rains shall
someday invest

July, 29, 2005
another latter day,
later than jet engines
becoming further distance,
or establishment
of particulars, namely:

liquid silhouette,
versatile floor,
modest bracken,
turning colour,
victimized time,
generational cloud,
spoken leaf,
verbal sky,

such matter, added
up and bounded
by and forever
complete reunion
(time being
one way
after all)

the season
spells it hurry
in fitted parsecs
and grand segues
such as 1st
resumes the march
and 2nd becomes
a boxed flower:
details fall
the tool of

faculty blame,
learned spate,
directed tree,
searched howl,
flighty rock,
spun effort
and the rolling
under all
deliveries (refined
or caring)
and the sunshine
of the greenest day
perpetuates the
mass and rightness
of where we
all of the
day in hand


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